Rediscover is permanently closed as of 5/31/24, Please email Hannah Whitaker, CEO, if you are a past client or medical provider needing medical records:
A note from our Founder

Hannah Whitaker
It is an honor to share Rediscover with you. What started out as a victory story and a vision with many pieces, has become tangible hope for anyone struggling with an eating disorder in the Bluegrass. After being diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa in 7th grade, relapsing in college, and again later in my professional career, I decided to end the cycle and take back my life in 2021. A fourth round with an eating disorder was not my destiny. Now fully recovered, I am enjoying life in the fullness that it is meant to be. I truly rediscovered who I am and the world around me. My relationships could be enjoyed again and my personality came back as strong and fearless as ever. As I started my journey to health, healing, and freedom, I began to see the blueprints of what is now Rediscover. I have prayed over this vision and am excited to help you or your loved one find the freedom that I have obtained. Our team based approach focuses on every vital aspect of recovery. I understand what it is like to be drained of life, scared, preoccupied with thoughts of food and calories, rigid, and feeling as though no one understood. At Rediscover, we are here to walk you through all the tough moments and celebrate all the small wins until you are free and fully recovered. Healthy and happy is the end goal, and it is possible. I never imagined being able to live without my eating disorder, and now I don’t even recognize the girl that suffered through it. My destiny is to help you or your loved one rediscover life outside of an eating disorder. The vision of Rediscover was crafted for your freedom.
Rediscover Founder